Brand new book reveals the exact 3 step formula for…


New must-read book for all investors written by Veteran Trader, Investor, & Rainmaker Eisa Emami

IDENTIFY smart investment opportunities IN REAL-TIME WITH our
6-STEP no-nonsense PROCESS FOR serious INVESTORS

Leverage this timeless approach to learn what companies to look for, what opportunities to pay attention to, and more importantly, why certain ones should be avoided. 

Here's What Comes With Your Order Of
The Millionaire Traders Playbook:

Here's What Comes With Your Order Of The Millionaire Traders Playbook:

  • The Millionaire Traders Playbook - A 174 page guide to emotion-free investing in present day markets. 
  • Fast Start Video Course - A value-packed concise 5-part training program designed for those who want to take action immediately.
  • Market Pulse Check Tool - My personal market scan criteria, setup in a tool to monitor for opportunities in just 2-5 minutes a day. 


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Uncertainty of What Your Next Move Needs To Be

There's no magic crystal ball that will decide for you. 

Which makes it critical that every investor, new or seasoned absolutely MUST have the ability to identify new promising opportunities. 

Overwhelmed With Too Much Information

There's so much noise in the marketplace. The media, corporate releases, investors with vested interests, all competing for your attention (and your money).

But how do you know when you need to tune in, (or more importantly tune OUT).

Don't Know Who To Trust In The Markets For Advice

After taking several companies public, I seen the MASSIVE misinformation people are being fed in the markets.

Drawing lines on charts... gambling on "moon-shots" and relying blindly on "influencer picks" The key is to find someone who actually "walks their talk" 

Tired of Getting Burned By "Trend Chasing"

There's a term for this in the markets. It's called "exit liquidity"

And that's what people who buy "the hype" are called by the guru's and influencers promoting these shams. 

Chase the data, not the hype.

Don't Know What To Pay Attention To In The Markets

With dozens and dozens of potential opportunities coming to light each and every day...

How do you know which ones warrant your attention?

The ability to pick the diamonds from the dirt is what separates winning investors from the rest.

If you


to any of the above, then you need

The Millionare Traders Playbook

Tired of Getting Burned By "Trend Chasing"

There's a term for this in the markets. It's called "exit liquidity"

And that's what people who buy "the hype" are called by the guru's and influencers promoting these shams. 

Chase the data, not the hype.

Don't Know What To Pay Attention To In The Markets

With dozens and dozens of potential opportunities coming to light each and every day...

How do you know which ones warrant your attention?

The ability to pick the diamonds from the dirt is what separates winning investors from the rest.

If you answered...


to any of the above, then you need

The Millionare Traders Playbook

Curious How This Works? Here's How Damon Grew His Investing Account To $479k:

Look, most people who buy my book are NOT going to grow their trading account from $50k to $479k in less than a month. 

Because most people aren't willing to do what it takes to make that a reality. 

Damon was.

His result wasn't "just" the use of this no-nonsense investing approach. 

His result also aren't based off of just one trade. 

The results came from not only intense studying.

I'm talking 10-hour days for an entire month...

But also continuous and careful pre-planning to place multiple strategic trades... that he identified using this system.

He took careful... calculated action, while mitigating his downside.

He spent time doing his due-diligence into the companies and opportunities he was considering... 

Things like:

👉 Digging into company filings and financials

👉 Understanding what the financial statements were telling him

👉 Constructing fundamental quantitative analysis to grade the company and opportunity

👉 Pulling and reviewing recent SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) filings 

And more that you'll learn inside of the book. 

All to create what I call "An Argument For A Trade" to discover why you should or more importantly, should NOT, place a trade in the first place. 

You see, if it was as easy as "drawing lines" on the charts. 

Or using a complex math equation...

Then everyone would do it. 

But this reveals the ACTUAL edge in investing... whether you are a complete beginner, or a seasoned veteran like me:

Once you learn how to put in these fundamental steps before entering any trade or investment opportunity...

You will have utmost confidence in your decision because your decision was rooted in educated facts, real market intelligence, and quantitative opportunity. 

NOT guesswork.

NOT "hope"

And certainly NOT "luck"

...And once you are able to remove luck from the equation... you'll start to identify more winning opportunities, and begin avoiding more of the endless losses.

At that point, once you have a system you can leverage to confidently win more than you lose

It all becomes a game of compounding math. 

Only $27 $7.99 Today

Plus: How to get started bonus video course & 
time-saving market scan tool

Here's What My ELITE Coaching Students Have To Say After Spending 6 Months With Me Immersed In This Same Information

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PLUS: When you order from this page, you’re getting a copy of my brand new book at a FRACTION of the cost that it’ll be when it hits the shelf on Amazon…

Want To Know More About My Story?
Here's How I Went From Just Another Unfulfilled Career Chaser To An 8-Figure Investor...

Anyone who knows me will tell you the same thing...

I'm going to tell you the blunt truth without the sugar coating. 

Because there's no sugar coating in the markets. 

You either win, or you lose.

I'm not your "heart centered" guru who's going to string you alone whispering sweet nothings in your ear. 

I will always tell it to you straight, because it's in your best interest. 

And you either vibe with my direct / no bs approach to accountability or you don’t.

You either want to learn the financial markets the right way and stop dabbling or you don’t.

Either way, that's okay. 

You can just as easily go back to whatever it is you were doing before you decided to come to this page. 

I'm not here to convince you to do anything. 

I'm just a guy who "made it" by traditional standards, that wants to help left lift up those who are ready and willing to make the climb. 

It won't be easy. (Did you really think it would be?)

If you think the sacrifice of success is too much. Wait till you get the invoice for regret… I see it day in and day out. It sucks.

The choice is yours. 

You see... I never had that choice.

In 2002 I lost my Father… since he was the primary breadwinner for the family and I was just a boy…

This left my Mother to fend for the both of us.

She made the hard decision to leave our home and immigrate to Canada with barely more than the clothes on our backs… in search of a better opportunity for life.

Over the years I watched her do her best, but ultimately struggle to provide for the two of us… and I learned just how unkind the world is when you are in a state of lack.

You see… she was a really hard worker, but she lacked the knowledge about money that the 1% have simply because she never had the opportunity to learn.

When I was old enough to see this for myself… I made a decision. I wasn’t going to allow this kind of life for myself, for my mother, and for my future wife and kids.

So I started looking at what the most wealthy people in the world did… and I landed on the Stock Market.

What got my attention the most is how the 1% used the stock market to avoid paying taxes.

Mainly because when your net worth is moving up and down, there’s no realized income. Hence there’s no taxes on unrealized income.

Provided you know how to pick a good portfolio, one could essentially assign a loan to the value of the stock… and just pay a few % interest on that loan, instead of 40-50% income tax on selling the stock for profit.

When I finally learned the KPI’s behind what made stocks run, versus the stocks that stayed neutral… it turned my entire game around.

How did I learn the KPI’s? Trading, and eventually taking companies public.

Later I got into back side of the markets where I learned how capital is truly underwritten leading to the shocking and often unexplained price moves you see in the markets. 

It's not really much of a secret why trading can scale wealth faster.

The moves in trading are larger to the upside, if you learn how to control the downside.

The trick involves being educated on the proper due diligence process to only take high odds entries, a few times per month. Not chasing today’s stocks and drawing lines to determine entries.

This approach, in combination with being trained on cutting losses in a calculated way is something that is rarely trained.

Any decent trader will tell you that 5% a week is not a hard achievement.

If you need proof of that claim, you can go to this link every day.

You too will see that 5% a week is not a hard ask, if you know what you’re doing.

There obviously exist limitations to how much a beginner can expect to see… 5 % a week. 

Sure a beginner can get lucky… but repeated sustainable compounding will take a lot of hard work and discipline.

Then comes the obvious… if the account size gets too big (a good problem) then the expectation to compound 5% has to lessen as well. 

Otherwise you’d end up owning the world economy, and that’s just not realistic.

There’s a logic to why it happens the way it does… and it brought my success in the market around full circle, both as a trader, and an entrepreneur in the markets.

You're reading this because unlike most people, you're not looking for a short cut.

You landed on my page because you went down the path of chasing a career.

And it either didn't work out the way you'd hoped... or that it isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

You are not thriving the way you know you should be.

Maybe you don't necessarily want to quit your career, but you are realizing you want life on your terms.

Welcome to how I felt 14 years ago.

You see, I have been called every adjective in the world.

It's because I had big ambitions. My ambitions were often mistaken for arrogance or egotistical in the corporate setting.

If you ask me… I think people were just threatened by my ambitions… and the likelihood that the smart guy I was known for… would actually reach the heights he’s set his eyes on.

The fun fact here is 14 years later, after becoming extremely wealthy from the business of the stock market...

I didn't stop flying Boeings and Airbuses, and I didn't stop drumming around the world as a pro drummer.

Why didn't I stop?

Because my passion from being a kid was to fly people around the world, and to drum for my favorite singers on stages around the world.

It wasn't about the money. 

But one thing I never wanted to do again... was relying on those careers financially...

I have seen what financial reliance on these careers have done to people...

Good people. Hard working people

It has caused burn out... not feeling appreciated... and has become a game of nothing more than political chess...

The sad truth is that YOU are probably a leader at heart, but YOU are probably not the one who continually gets recognized for your true talents...

Most likely, it's incompetent people "with more experience" and shitty mindsets who make it to the top... influencing your life and work rules.

It's why you've likely turned to this page, and why this letter likely resonates with you. I was there... and I hated it.

My unbiased advice to you is if you want to escape the political landscape of a career and the rat race it brings... 

You must get interested and you must get obsessed with something else.

I know you're probably busy.

But is that “busy” reflected in the strength of your bank account, assets, and peace of mind?

If the answer is no, then you're just surviving ... I know that sucks to hear… but it’s the status of your truth.

So before you choose to get this book… I want you to know that this book will shed light on the need to get obsessed… and make time to learn this skill.

Because no one will just read a book and become rich shortly thereafter. So I need to make sure I meter your expectations.

If you truly are looking for a shot at success… then keep reading.

I've priced the book such that it's not really worth going into all the reasons to convince you this is a good buy.

You're either willing to try it, read up, and get going with trying to change your life, or you'll quit the page and move onto something else.

This truly is a chicken and broccoli diet… in the world of getting a six pack financially speaking… I hope you appreciate the pun.

So I get it if you’re not about hard work, making time for this, and discipline… why this book wouldn’t appeal to you.

To some of you… I'll see you on the inside shortly.

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You can download it IMMEDIATELY with no delays or waiting for it to ship to your doorstep.

PLUS: When you order from this page, you’re getting a copy of my brand new book at a FRACTION of the cost that it’ll be when it hits the shelf on Amazon…
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